Magi Tria (the 3 magics)
Magi Standares means standard magic. Standard magic is basic elemental bolts and such. The magies are:
Panseun (bolts) (Pon-sa-en)
Cutoim (pulses) (ke-ti-um)
Saenikomut (beams) (so-an-uk-im-et)
Teumotasip (slashes) (Ta-em-it-os-up)
Magi Basin means Base magic. Base magic is the NON-elemental magic that is the base of all elemental magic. As people age, elemental takes over base magic, making elemental attacks stronger. The only base magic skills are teleporting and Mana Blocks.
Magi Dormatus means dormant magic. dormant magic is a type of magic that responds to certain triggers. For exanple, Ros's Magi Dormatus is Rage, and the trigger is extreme anger or rage.
There are 4 levels of light healing magic.
Light healing is the only magic all types can use. The 4 healing magies are:
Koapany (basic)
Incantation: Koapanuse
partaily deciphered from the book of ros:
factions: (1)
modanap (intermediate)
inca: Modanapes
Factions (2)
sagonar (advanced)
Inca: Sagonarad
Teleporting is one of the 2 Magi Basin skills. It allows people to go anywhere in Regen, unless magical phenomenon or some sort of spell stops it. There are 3 stages of teleporting. Learning to do stage 1 teleporting is already very difficult, but it helps to get to the second or third stage, because each one lessens the chance that someone will tele-track you, or use your teleport to follow you. By stage 3 it is nearly impossible to be tele-tracked. Below is a diagram of the 3 stages.
Soul transfer
Soul transfer is the act of giving ones soul, or part of ones soul, to save another. Once 1/2 of ones soul is gone, YOU DIE.
camagitaf (soul transfer)
Caymontinnreghe, to surin apumator
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