

Hey guys, it's tubbs. I've been getting a feeling to start writing again, so I might just post stories I write on here, or add to the Darkstick story, I'd have to talk to Ros and or my other "employees" meaning my friends. Until then, expect some possible content, but don't count on it.



No feedback = no posts.

Guys, so far, in the whole time we've had this up, we haven't had one fanmail. The only way this will continue to be updated at all is if at least someone send In a good email. Inhave no inspiration left.
Come to my YouTube channel for minecraft and pokemon and COD. Otherwise, tubbyor, signing off for the last time. At least for a while.


One year anniversary!

As of this week, it is Darkstick's one year anniversary! Thank you for looking at our site and thanks for your support! (I really have to check that email address...) Anyway, thanks! We might get a pic from the other creator, Ros, but we might not too. Cya! Tubbs